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Bloomington Municipal Credit Union is a full service state chartered credit union with an array of savings plans and loan services available.

Bloomington Municipal Credit Union began in 1953 as an organization for City of Bloomington employees. Membership was later extended to Mclean County and the other municipalities.

New Account Requirements

Woman holding debit card

To open an account you MUST have:

  • $10 minimum for Share Savings Account
  • Valid Driver’s License
    • Or Passport
    • Or Photo ID (preferably government issued)
  • Proof of current address:
    • Driver’s License
    • Official Mail (must be a bill) Utility, Medical or Statement
  • If eligible through employment – Copy of Payroll Stub or Work ID.
  • If relative – whom and how you are related.


Share Savings Accounts:

  • Minors may open an INDIVIDUAL share savings with proper government issues ID (driver’s license, military ID, passport or state issue ID).
  • Minors without government issues ID MUST have a copy of their social security card AND a parent, legal guardian or immediate family member as JOINT owner on the account.

Share Draft Accounts:

  • Minors MUST have proper government issued ID to open a share draft account (see above).
  • A joint owner is REQUIRED on ALL minor share draft accounts, joint owner MUST be a parent, legal guardian, or immediate family member that has existing BMCU account.
  • Minor share draft accounts are NOT eligible for overdraft privilege.

ATM Cards:

  • Minor with an individual savings account may be issued an ATM card if they have proper government issued ID.
  • Minors with a joint owner may be issued an ATM card if the joint owner agrees to be the responsible party.

VISA Debit Cards:

  • VISA debit cards may only be issued to a minor if the joint owner agrees and signs to be the responsible party.
  • Minors may only be issued a VISA debit card if they have proper ID and have completed and signed the debit card application and user agreement.
  • Minors are NOT eligible to opt-in to VISA debit card overdraft services.

Membership is open to all employees and their family members of the following municipalities:

  • City of Bloomington
  • McLean County
  • Connect Transit
  • Bloomington & Normal Water Reclamation District
  • Central Illinois Airport
  • Bloomington Township
  • Regional Office of Education
  • UPIC
  • Bloomington Housing Authority
  • Mid-Central Community Action
  • Boys and Girls Club of America